Thursday, December 29, 2011


Weight: 121.6 lbs
Height: 5'5.5"
Body Fat Percent" 17%

Eliptical: 15 min
Cable Curls
Tricep Dips

12/28 WOD

For time:

400 meter run
30 ab-mat situps
30 hanging leg raises
30 back ext.
400 meter run
25 ab-mat situps
25 hanging leg raises
25 back ext.
400 meter-run
20 ab-mat situps
20 hanging leg raises
20 back ext.
400 meter run
15 ab-mat situps
15 hanging leg raises
15 back ext.
400 meter run
10 ab-mat situps
10 hanging leg raises
10 back ext.

I made up this WOD to focus on core! It is the next day and my abs are really sore! I will be doing this again for sure!

12/27/11 WOD

For time:

1000m row
rest 1 min
rest 1 min
50 18inch box jumps
50 burpees
rest 1 min
50 hang power snatch (10@45#, 40@40#)
50 Double-Unders

42 min, fully completed

Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's an Early Christmas!

Height: 5'5.75"
Weight 122.8 lbs

For Christmas Casey bought me a spin bike. On Friday morning he woke me up and brought me downstairs to find it completely assembled and told me I can start using it at anytime. Today I wheeled it into the garage and enjoyed a good 40 minute stationary ride and I LOVED it! Thanks Baby!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Filthy Fifty

"Filthy Fifty"

For Time:

50 of each

Box Jumps
Jumping Pull-ups
Kettle Bell Swings- 1 pood (36#)
Walking lunge (50 each side)
Knees to Elbows
Push Press 45# bar
GHD Back Extension
Wall Balls (20/12)
Double -Unders

My workout with Alterations

50 of each:

Box Jumps (18 in box)
Jumping Pull-ups
Kettle Bell Swings- 25# Weight
Walking lunge (50 each side)
Knees to Elbows
Push Press- 10x45# bar, 20x40# bar, 20x30# bar
(dry-heaves begin, hahahaha)
Back Extension
Wall Balls- 12 lb ball
Jump-Rope 2 min

Time: 56 min

This was very intense. It was my 3rd time extreme dry-heaving during a workout. If I had more food in my stomach I'm sure it would have made a reappearance. Thankfully I made it to the restroom before it began and was able to get back to my workout right after but this added time. I didn't even attempt the burpees. If I were home I would have gone for it but if I puked in public/my place of work, I'd never live it down.

I'm going to use this workout as a benchmark. I'll try it again in about a month or so to see if and where I have improved. I would like to complete the full WOD before I focus on time. Also, note to self, bring your speed rope!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Crossfit E3 WOD

It has been a while since I've blogged. I could spout a million excuses but because I have all of 2 followers whom may or may not read my blog, I feel no explanation is needed.

WOD from CrossFit E3 in Eagle, ID:

4 rounds for time:

Pull-ups 5-10-20-40
Air Squats 10-20-40-80
Double-Unders 15-30-60-80
Abmat Sit-ups 20-40-80-160

I did this from my gym (Gold's Gym). Due to lack of equipment I had to make the following adjustments:

Pull-ups done with 80 lb assist (yeah, like I can do 75 pull-ups on my own)
No speed rope (plastic beaded rope) so I doubled the number of double-unders and did speed jumps for 30-60-120-160. This clearly was an easier option so I think I am going to hide a speed rope in my desk :)

This was still a good WOD and provided a good challenge and took a not-s-impressive 40- although I can't say I was really pushing through it. The 300 abmat sit-ups were especially difficult. I will be sore in 2 days for sure!

Thank you CrossFit E3!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Where it all Began

I want to give a little background of where my love for exercise came from. In school I was not athletic at all. I was on the high school golf team for 3 years and was pretty scrawny growing up. I was good at dodge ball only because I was terrified of getting hit so avoiding the flying red and yellow balls was no challenge. Throwing them at my opponents, however, was a different story. Even badminton proved to be difficult. It wasn’t until my senior year of high school that I fully understood the benefits for physical activity and healthy eating. My vocational class choices were always extra English and math courses. Photography, ceramics, and leadership never took my interest. However, after taking all English courses available and giving up on being a math whiz, I was left no choice but to take a full year of P.E. for half day, every day.
Things at home were rough. I am the youngest of four and my sisters were no longer around. My parents both worked and were struggling through their marriage. Without too much detail, for two years I was invisible. At least at 17 years old, I felt so and I didn't like going home. It was often empty or tense so I chose other outlets to fill my time. One of them was to work out in the high school gym or run the bleachers and trails everyday after school. Soon it was for 2 hours during and 2 after each school day. It made me feel good and in control.
That was 10 years ago. 1 marriage and 2 kids later, I still enjoy that same clean feeling that exercise offers me. I'm certainly not the same size I was in high school (who is or wants to be?) nor do I have that kind of time to invest in it, but I love to work out. At times I still use it as an escape when life throws me lemons. I will forever be grateful for my body and for the ability to do something I love so much.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


weight 127.7


For time:

50 Box Jumps 18 inches
50 Toe push-ups
50 Deadlifts 65#
50 Floor Sweeps 30#
50 Bench Press 45#
25x2 Dumbbell Clean and Press 15#

Time 21'27"

Ran Hill 3 times

Today was the first day I threw up after a crossfit workout. I guess it means it was good!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011


3 Rounds:

30 Double Unders
30 reps Bench Press 45#
30 reps Dead Lift 45#
30 reps Bent Over Rows 45#

3 Rounds:
(With 20lb Weight Vest)

Sprint Hill
30 Sit-ups

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Weight 127.3lbs


Butterfly Abmat situps

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 10

3 Rounds:

50 Double-Unders
40 knee jumps
30 15# dumbbell swings

3 Rounds Wearing 20 lbs weighted vest:

Run Hill
30 sit-ups

Total calories burned: 608

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 9

Treadmill: Run 1 mile: 7'09"
20 decline bench sit-ups
20 hanging leg raises
Treadmill: .5 miles set at incline of 10
20 decline bench sit-ups
20 hanging leg raises
Jump rope 2 min
20 decline bench sit-ups
20 hanging leg raises

Starting on Sept 1st, I will be changing my diet to cleanse and strengthen my eating habits. For one month, I will not only be documenting my workouts but recording my daily vegan diet along with weight loss/gain and overall feeling for the day. I love meat, milk and other animal products so this will be quite challenging but I feel confident that eliminating this items for just one month, I will see improvement in energy and overall health.

Day 8

5 Rounds:

Wearing 20 weight vest:

Run Hill
40 squats

Cool Down:

Kneeling Donkey Kicks
Kneeling Side Leg Lifts (peeing dog stance)

It's hard to describe the hill but here are some pictures to get an idea. its basic but add a weighted vest and it can get pretty brutal.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 7

For Time:

5 rounds

Run hill
15 Dead-lifts - 65#

The hill was killer. My form was poor the last 2 rounds for hte dead-lifts. That's the problem with doing it for time.

18' 19"

Day 6


5 Rounds

20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest 3 min

I did:

3 min jump rope

3 Rounds (ran out of time on my break)

20 pull-ups (assisted 50#)
30 push-ups (last 2 rounds on knee)
40 sit-ups
50 Squats

Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 5

Weight: purposely didn't check due to a week of poor diet.
BW: again, bad diet

For Time:

10 Wall Handstand Push-ups
20 Wall-Balls 12#
30 Floor Sweeps 20#
40 Hang Cleans 45#
50 Burpees
60 Sumo Dead Lift High Pull 25#


I found this workout pretty normal as far as challenging myself until I hit the burpees. My shoulders were burning and I almost fell on my face a few times. During the Sumo dead Lift High Pull, I noticed my right shoulder is noticable larger than my left. It makes sense because I am right handed but I am going to have to work on evening that out. I think the best way would be to put most of the weight on my left shoulder when doing things like the SDLHP and Cleans.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 4

Weight: 128.8
Scale BF: 24.5%
BMI: 20.94

11:30 AM - 2.1 mile run. 8'37"/mi

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 3

Height: 5' 5.5"
Weight: 128.6
Scale BF: 23.3%

For time:

3 rounds

400 meter run (uphill)
45 lbs press - 20 reps
10 toe push-ups

I followed up with some upright rows and shoulder presses, jumping rope and sit-ups.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 2

130.4 lbs
Scale: 28.4% body fat
Gym hand-held measurer: 18.3% body fat

Today I created my own CrossFit workout:

3 rounds

45 lbs front squat, 12 reps
1 pull up to 15 Sec flexed arm hang
30 lbs floor sweeps, 20 reps
45 lbs clean and press, 12 reps

Rest 60 sec

20 min high intensity cycling

"Life Finds a Way"

To quote my favorite movie I agree that "Life finds a way". Usually this applies to making the best out of hard situations. When you've lost a job "life finds a way" of making working it out. When you've lost a loved one, "Life finds a way" to go on and rise above. However, lately I have noticed a different turn on the phrase and especially when it comes to my desire to work out. "Life finds a way" to make sure this just does not happen. I started my blog last Thursday. I had finally hit a point of needing new direction in my workout regiment. Something that would actually show results. Ha! Friday came and so did work and a church campout including, chips, soda and candy. The only saving grace was my semi healthy turkey dog that offered 50 calories less then beef. That night I got so sick to my stomach as if I was a kid again. Saturday inevitably came and so did errands and a bachelorette party. Between the lack of sleep and belly full of junk food, Sunday offered sleeping in until 1:00pm and a day of playing catch-up on household duties. Monday, it was back to work- errands, park, movie with the fam; Tuesday, work, errands and guess what!? A workout! CrossFit workout #2!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 1

Body Weight 130.4 LBS
Height: 5'5.5"
Body Fat % (according to my home scale): 27.3%

Workout #1

Three rounds for time of 50 Double-unders 25 wallball, 10 lbs ball.

my time: 9' 10"

supposed to be 20 lb ball, i only had 10. Need to buy heavier ball and new shoes.

This supplied a good 10 min workout, high intensity. Seemed almost too short but gotta start somwhere.

For your time, leave in comments :)


In the beginning God made man- a likeness unto his own image. I've wondered what Adam looked like. I doubt God made the first man to be overweight. This is an unnatural progression through one's life so starting off humanity through obesity is very unlikely. I also doubt he made Adam to look like one of those juiced up meatheads I see grunting at my local gym. No, I envision Adam to be lean and strong. When Adam ultimately made the choice to leave Eden, he would become a hunter-gatherer, chasing deer and eating lean. He would have been climbing trees, jumping rocks and building homes as he moved across the land. I believe this is how our bodies are supposed to be; Agile and quick, strong and lean. And who was by Adam's side? Pulled from his very rib? Eve.
I just celebrated my 27th birthday and where as I have always enjoyed being physically active and working out in the gym, I am still a soft mother of 2 trying daily to get to my physical perfection which ultimately leads to daily failure! Ha! I hate myself after the pizza (and even sometimes before) but when has that ever stopped me from downing 3 pieces and a bag of crazy bread to boot! I always feel like such a fatty even though my family and friends would reply "You're not fat!". The truth is I am fat. That is what I am made of. I may not be obese or very large but I am fat.
So what's the solution? In my 27 years of life I have yet to figure that one out. I do know the answer is not through lemon bars and 40 minutes on an elliptical. No, it must be something with a continuous high heart rate and a diet much like our ancestors- something with quick, fluid movements centering on building lean muscle and burning fat. Ultimately it will allow us full range of man’s physical capacities. So here goes my journey into CrossFit...